About STG Health

Regina - La Ronge - Saskatoon - Carlyle

STG Health Services provides integrated private health therapies and education services in Saskatchewan. STG operates outside of the traditional assessment or therapy box. Our professionals remove barriers to progress. They start with the end in mind by combining best practices from a multidisciplinary standpoint.

Providing Private Mental Health Services in Saskatchewan

Although all STG professionals are highly passionate about their professional field, the power of collaboration helps connect the dots when things get complicated. With STG, you have a team of professionals working with you rather than one individual professional.

STG provides comprehensive services in the areas of insomnia, various mood and personality disorders, and anxiety conditions. We combine expertice from various fields of study to look beyond the typical approach. That is why we have a team of psychologists, psychotherapists, and speech and language pathologists working closely together.

The STG Team

STG Health Services Inc. has Partners, Associates, and Advisors. The partners are responsible for management and service delivery to clients. Associates provide clinical interventions. Advisors provide guidance and consultative support. Please note that not all STG team members are involved in providing CBT-i.

Chris de Feijter, EdD., MACP.

Managing Partner

Canadian Certified Counsellor & Registered Psychotherapist (Q)

Mike White, M.Ed.


Registered Psychologist SK#751

Jacinta Webster, M.Sc.


Licensed Speech and Language Pathologist

Multidisciplinary Expertise working with you